Magic Fish #5
You can also make the orange snooper (magic fish #5) by breeding an orange goldshark with an orange fatfish. Orange goldshark = orange fruitfish+ orange fatfish. Orange fatfish= orange fruitfish+orange shark. - Submitted by meltman

More breeds:
Ok, so you have the money but not the breeds. Get 10 fish of assorted breeds: 1 way is buy the unknown chemical, feed the fish 4 times to get a group and then drop the chemical on them, it divides them into new/other breeds and you can breed on from there. The other is to force babies, get all the fish in a tank pregnant (no more than 15 ). Buy the hormone, feed the fish 3 times to get a group and then add three drops of hormone, the babies will spring from these instantly. - Submitted by Valerie

Orange Snooper, Magic Fish of Health (#5):
Cross a Wasp Shark with a Crimson Comet. - Submitted by David W. Vaughn

Canary Fire-Arrow - Golden Guppy of Isola:
Breed a Silky Arrow with the Wasp Grouper (#6) and you'll get a Fanned Fire-Arrow, then breed the Hornet Arrow with a Twinfin Stickfish to produce a Crimson Fire-Arrow. Breed the Fanned and the Crimson to get the Canary Fire-Arrow. - Submitted by janno

Fish prices:
I have found that:
the Orange Snooper brings $175
the Crimson Comet brings $175.
the Oriental Goldbulb brings $175 - Submitted by Roland

Infinite money:
I started out selling the Greenfin Spotanus for $500 and slowly moved up until I realized that game was buying them for $25,000. So I tested my luck and changed the price to infinity and it worked, so now i have infinite cash. To do this take the fish into the isolation chamber to change the price. Erase the current price and hold down nine until the price reads infinity. Then sell the fish and you will have infinite cash.
**I had accessories in my selling tank to boost customer numbers and I sold 12 fish at the time which brought my customer count to 38 which helps speed the selling process up. - Submitted by horndiggitty

I'm selling the Crimson Comets for $175, the Oriental Goldbulbs for $165 and the Speckled Leaffish for $135... helps build the cash up for your eggs and chemicals - Submitted by Wheels572

Change the price of fish:
Put fish in isolation booth, click on species and on the right hand side you can change
the price. - Submitted by Cheeky_Angel_06

How to get more money:
To get more money breed fish quickly by moving the time forward by an hour pc only - Submitted by run count

MAGIC FISH #7 (The Golden Guppy of Isola):
There is a very simple way to make the Canary Fire-Arrow (Magic fish #7). You need to have made enough cash to research fish environment, however, but as soon as you have researched fish environment, breed a speckled leaffish (magic fish #2) with a silky shark (which will be born from buying the cheapest eggs). This combo will create the fire-arrow. After you make it, mass breed it in the second tank. Each fish sell for about 240-275 easy. This will make you bookoos of cash that you can use for the rest of the game. - Submitted by Marie

MAGIC FISH #4 (Oriental Goldbulb):
Speckled Stickfish + Silky Stickfish = Canary Stickfish
Canary Stickfish + Golden Goldbulb = Orange Comet
Orange Comet + Golden Goldbulb = Oriental Goldbulb - Submitted by craig

Easy Money:
What you do is to take 7 fish or more, and price them all for 999999999 and so on, as much as it lets you. Then go t the shop. The more fish you are selling, the more visitors come. They'll buy your million-dollar priced fish. And they'll buy em fast! Took me all about 1 minute to get gazillions of millions of dollars. You cant even see how much $$$$$ you have because it runs off the screen thingy. Trust me, this is the best way to get $$ at Fish Tycoon! - Submitted by Free Money

Many Fish Tycoon hints:
Try a flagged banana and a pink fatfish to make the crimson comet..
Canary fire-arrows sell at $450
Research food and environment as soon as you can. None of your fish will die as easily if so.
Goldbulbs can sell for around $50 if you create a good breed, use those as starters.
If you want to fast-forward the game, set the time forward 5 hours to have fully grown fish. No more than 2 days as a rule, or they will die.
Always buy eggs if you have just begun, so if you make a mistake and all your fish are dead, you can hatch them.
The unknown chemical will make your fish into a new breed, but it only works on 2 or 3 fish in a group of 7.
Plants will help, but not too much. the seahorse will keep them from being too sick
A second tank is a MUST to finish the game.
Rare fish eggs will mostly contain a banana fish and another you will have probably found already
Get a second tank to mass-breed the most expensive fish you find to finance yourself.
Always feed the fish before you set your clock forward, and check for diseases.
Everything you buy (plants, aerator, temperature regulator) will install in ALL your tanks except your seahorse.
Advertising will bring twice as much people into your store - Submitted by finished!

Find cheat codes for fish tycoon pc games 2018

Wasp Grouper money maker:
WASP GROUPER as $ maker without affecting breeding Program. Since I get between $174 & $200 for the WASP GROUPER. If I am just trying to raise $. I just keep the last 2 fish that made the WASP GROUPER & breed them instead of keeping WASP GROUPER's in a tank & possibly having problem breeding other fish. As it seems that magic fish sell better if there is a selection of them, vs 1 or 2 types. - Submitted by UsaJapan

Advancing time:
We all know that whilst we are waiting for our fish to grow up or whilst they are pregnant is frustrating because you have to sit and watch so fast forward the time on your Pc by an hour and that is about perfect. It does not effect the fish's health or hunger and the babies will have either arrived or grown up. - Submitted by Steve

Breed two identical fish:
I know another tip that works VERY well - take two identical fish (sell the rest) and breed them both to each other, then, if you can afford it, buy some growth hormone. Use the amount you need to have the fish grow all the way up, then sell them for up to $4000.00 apiece!!! I can make tone of money in under five minutes! Also, buy all the decorations for your sale tank that you can. - Submitted by colin bovet

More magic fish combos:
#2. Speckled Leaffish - Magical Fish of Sustenance
Stubby Stickfish + Greenfin Beta
#3. Crimson Comet - Magical Fish of Curing
Razorback Stickfish + Orange Goldbulb
Razorback Stickfish + Canary Comet
Greenfin Beta + Canary Goldshark
Greenfin Beta + Wasp Goldshark
#4. Oriental Goldbulb - Magical Fish of Growth
Spined Fruitfish + Canary Stickfish
#5. Orange Snooper - Magical Fish of Health
Spined Fruitfish + Pink Arrowfish
#6. Wasp Grouper - Magical Fish of Mutation
Orange Bananafish + Pink Fruitfish
#7. Canary Fire-Arrow - Golden Guppy of Isola
Canary Flashfish + Canary Goldshark
Submitted by dogbows

Breed two identical fish:
Fish Tycoon Combinations for Magical Fish!
Fin Combos + Breed Combos for Magical Fish:
PLEASE NOTE: To guarantee the end result, you must first make sure the fish you are breeding are pure-bred. If obtained from eggs they will already be pure bred. If breeding to get a particular fish you must first breed the babies together, then repeat a second time to insure the desired end result of the combinations below. Check the species of each fish to determine if it is pure bred.
#1. Greenfin Spotanus - Magical Fish of Fertility
The first magical fish cannot be created by cross breeding. You must obtain your first two fish from eggs. Often times you will receive this magical fish itself from eggs. If not the following fin combinations can be used to create the first magical fish by breeding Spotanus to Spotanus. There are only 9 ways to create Magical Fish #1.
Breed combos to create the Spotanus Breed
1. Spotanus = Spotanus + Spotanus
Fin combos to create the Greenfin Fin
1. Greenfin = Greenfin + Greenfin
2. Greenfin = Greenfin + Great-Sail
3. Greenfin = Twin-Fin + Spined
4. Greenfin = Twin-Fin + Stubby
5. Greenfin = Finless + Stubby
6. Greenfin = Finless + Speckled
7. Greenfin = Flagged + Razorback
8. Greenfin = Flagged + Speckled
9. Greenfin = Razorback + Great-Sail
#2. Speckled Leaffish - Magical Fish of Sustenance
Use any breed combo with any fin combo to create Magical Fish #2, remembering to use pure bred fish each time. There are 169 ways to create the Magical Fish #2.
Breed combos to create the Leaffish Breed
1. Leaffish = Leaffish + Leaffish
2. Leaffish = Stickfish + Beta
3. Leaffish = Grouper + Beta
4. Leaffish = Grouper + Carp
5. Leaffish = Leaffish + Carp
6. Leaffish = Comet + Bananafish
7. Leaffish = Comet + Pigmy
8. Leaffish = Pigmy + Stickfish
9. Leaffish = Spotanus + Flashfish
10. Leaffish = Spotanus + Fruitfish
11. Leaffish = Goldbulb + Quicksilver
12. Leaffish = Goldbulb + Bananafish
13. Leaffish = Flashfish + Quicksilver
Fin combos to create the Speckled Fin
1. Speckled = Speckled + Speckled
2. Speckled = Greenfin + Spined
3. Speckled = Greenfin + Stubby
4. Speckled = Orange + Twin-Fin
5. Speckled = Oriental + Twin-Fin
6. Speckled = Oriental + Finless
7. Speckled = Spined + Great-Sail
8. Speckled = Golden + Finless
9. Speckled = Golden + Flagged
10. Speckled = Stubby + Razorback
11. Speckled = Crimson + Flagged
12. Speckled = Crimson + Great-Sail
13. Speckled = Speckled + Razorback
#3. Crimson Comet - Magical Fish of Curing
Use any breed combo with any fin combo to create Magical Fish #3, remembering to use pure bred fish each time. There are 380 ways to create the Magical Fish #3.
Breed combos to create the Comet Breed
1. Comet = Comet + Comet
2. Comet = Beta + Goldshark
3. Comet = Beta + Fire-Arrow
4. Comet = Carp + Fruitfish
5. Comet = Carp + Fire-Arrow
6. Comet = Comet + Stickfish
7. Comet = Snout + Spotanus
8. Comet = Snout + Quicksilver
9. Comet = Pigmy + Snooper
10. Comet = Pigmy + Goldshark
11. Comet = Fatfish + Bananafish
12. Comet = Fatfish + Quicksilver
13. Comet = Snooper + Bananafish
14. Comet = Grouper + Leaffish
15. Comet = Grouper + Flashfish
16. Comet = Spotanus + Arrowfish
17. Comet = Leaffish + Flashfish
18. Comet = Leaffish + Fruitfish
19. Comet = Goldbulb + Stickfish
Fin combos to create the Crimson Fin
1. Crimson = Crimson + Crimson
2. Crimson = Greenfin + Wasp
3. Crimson = Greenfin + Canary
4. Crimson = Flagged + Pink
5. Crimson = Finless + Pink
6. Crimson = Orange + Speckled
7. Crimson = Orange + Razorback
8. Crimson = Twin-Fin + Wasp
9. Crimson = Twin-Fin + Hornet
10. Crimson = Twin-Fin + Fanned
11. Crimson = Oriental + Speckled
12. Crimson = Oriental + Stubby
13. Crimson = Wasp + Great-Sail
14. Crimson = Cananry + Razorback
15. Crimson = Spined + Golden
16. Crimson = Spined + Crimson
17. Crimson = Golden + Stubby
18. Crimson = Fanned + Finless
19. Crimson = Snubbed + Flagged
20. Crimson = Snubbed + Great-Sail
#4. Oriental Goldbulb - Magical Fish of Growth
Use any breed combo with any fin combo to create the Magical Fish #4, remembering to use pure bred fish each time. There are 399 ways to create the Magical Fish #4.
Breed combos to create the Goldbulb Breed
1. Goldbulb = Goldbulb + Goldbulb
2. Goldbulb = Spotanus + Shark
3. Goldbulb = Fatfish + Beta
4. Goldbulb = Snooper + Beta
5. Goldbulb = Snooper + Carp
6. Goldbulb = Goldshark + Carp
7. Goldbulb = Goldbulb + Comet
8. Goldbulb = Flashfish + Comet
9. Goldbulb = Snout + Bananafish
10. Goldbulb = Snout + Pigmy
11. Goldbulb = Fatfish + Pigmy
12. Goldbulb = Catfish + Spotanus
13. Goldbulb = Catfish + Quicksilver
14. Goldbulb = Grouper + Fruitfish
15. Goldbulb = Grouper + Fire-Arrow
16. Goldbulb = Leaffish + Goldshark
17. Goldbulb = Leaffish + Fire-Arrow
18. Goldbulb = Arrowfish + Bananafish
19. Goldbulb = Arrowfish + Quicksilver
20. Goldbulb = Stickfish + Flashfish
21. Goldbulb = Stickfish + Fruitfish
Fin combos to create the Oriental Fin
1. Oriental = Oriental + Oriental
2. Oriental = Greenfin + Hornet
3. Oriental = Greenfin + Fanned
4. Oriental = Pink + Razorback
5. Oriental = Pink + Speckled
6. Oriental = Orange + Crimson
7. Oriental = Orange + Golden
8. Oriental = Oriental + Golden
9. Oriental = Spined + Wasp
10. Oriental = Stubby + Wasp
11. Oriental = Flagged + Silky
12. Oriental = Finless + Silky
13. Oriental = Canary + Crimson
14. Oriental = Canary + Spined
15. Oriental = Tiger + Great-Sail
15. Oriental = Tiger + Flagged
16. Oriental = Hornet + Great-Sail
17. Oriental = Stubby + Snubbed
18. Oriental = Fanned + Razorback
19. Oriental = Snubbed + Speckled
#5. Orange Snooper - Magical Fish of Health
Use any breed combo with any fin combo to create the Magical Fish #5, remembering to use pure bred fish each time. There are 216 ways to create the Magical Fish #5.
Breed combos to create the Snooper Breed
1. Snooper = Snooper + Snooper
2. Snooper = Goldbulb + Shark
3. Snooper = Comet + Shark
4. Snooper = Snout + Fruitfish
5. Snooper = Snout + Fire-Arrow
6. Snooper = Catfish + Goldbulb
7. Snooper = Catfish + Flashfish
8. Snooper = Fatfish + Fire-Arrow
9. Snooper = Fatfish + Goldshark
10. Snooper = Snooper + Goldshark
11. Snooper = Arrowfish + Fruitfish
12. Snooper = Arrowfish + Flashfish
Fin combos to create the Orange Fin
1. Orange = Orange + Orange
2. Orange = Greenfin + Silky
3. Orange = Greenfin + Tiger
4. Orange = Spined + Pink
5. Orange = Stubby + Pink
6. Orange = Orange + Oriental
7. Orange = Canary + Oriental
8. Orange = Crimson + Wasp
9. Orange = Golden + Wasp
10. Orange = Silky + Great-Sail
11. Orange = Canary + Golden
12. Orange = Tiger + Razorback
13. Ornage = Hornet + Speckled
14. Orange = Hornet + Razorback
15. Orange = Snubbed + Spined
16. Orange = Stubby + Fanned
17. Orange = Fanned + Speckled
18. Orange = Snubbed + Crimson
#6. Wasp Grouper - Magical Fish of Mutation
Use any breed combo with any fin combo to create the Magical Fish #6, remembering to use pure bred fish each time. There are 195 ways to create the Magical Fish #6.
Breed combos to create the Grouper Breed
1. Grouper = Grouper + Grouper
2. Grouper = Goldbulb + Beta
3. Grouper = Comet + Beta
4. Grouper = Comet + Carp
5. Grouper = Stickfish + Carp
6. Grouper = Goldbulb + Pigmy
7. Grouper = Flashfish + Pigmy
8. Grouper = Leaffish + Grouper
9. Grouper = Spotanus + Fire-Arrow
10. Grouper = Spotanus + Goldshark
11. Grouper = Leaffish + Stickfish
12. Grouper = Flashfish + Bananafish
13. Grouper = Fruitfish + Bananafish
14. Grouper = Fruitfish + Quicksilver
15. Grouper = Fire-Arrow + Quicksilver
Fin combos to create the Wasp Fin
1. Wasp = Wasp + Wasp
2. Wasp = Pink + Oriental
3. Wasp = Pink + Orange
4. Wasp = Orange + Snubbed
5. Wasp = Fanned + Oriental
6. Wasp = Wasp + Canary
7. Wasp = Silky + Stubby
8. Wasp = Silky + Spined
9. Wasp = Canary + Snubbed
10. Wasp = Tiger + Crimson
11. Wasp = Hornet + Golden
12. Wasp = Hornet + Crimson
13. Wasp = Golden + Fanned
#7. Canary Fire-Arrow - Golden Guppy of Isola
Use any breed combo with any fin combo to create the Magical Fish #7, remembering to use pure bred fish each time. There are 272 ways to create the Magical Fish #7.
Breed combos to create the Fire-Arrow Breed
1. Fire-Arrow = Fire-Arrow + Fire-Arrow
2. Fire-Arrow = Shark + Leaffish
3. Fire-Arrow = Shark + Carp
4. Fire-Arrow = Comet + Snout
5. Fire-Arrow = Comet + Fatfish
6. Fire-Arrow = Snout + Stickfish
7. Fire-Arrow = Catfish + Grouper
8. Fire-Arrow = Catfish + Leaffish
9. Fire-Arrow = Fatfish + Goldbulb
10. Fire-Arrow = Snooper + Flashfish
11. Fire-Arrow = Snooper + Goldbulb
12. Fire-Arrow = Grouper + Arrowfish
13. Fire-Arrow = Arrowfish + Stickfish
14. Fire-Arrow = Goldshark + Flashfish
15. Fire-Arrow = Goldshark + Fruitfish
16. Fire-Arrow = Fruitfish + Fire-Arrow
Fin combos to create the Canary Fin
1. Canary = Canary + Canary
2. Canary = Pink + Golden
3. Canary = Pink + Crimson
4. Canary = Orange + Hornet
5. Canary = Orange + Canary
6. Canary = Orange + Wasp
7. Canary = Snubbed + Oriental
8. Canary = Wasp + Oriental
9. Canary = Silky + Speckled
10. Canary = Silky + Razorback
11. Canary = Tiger + Speckled
12. Canary = Tiger + Stubby
13. Canary = Hornet + Stubby
14. Canary = Hornet + Spined
15. Canary = Fanned + Spined
16. Canary = Golden + Snubbed
17. Canary = Fanned + Crimson - Submitted by dogbows

You can't really trust the lists of magic fish, because every game I've played, *my* magic fish has been the Greenfin Beta NOT the Greenfin Spotanus. - Submitted by MYS

Money Makers:
I sell the Greenfin Spotanus for $100.00 each easy... tried higher but no go. I also have a Oriental Comet = Greenfin Spotanus + Hornet Arrow Fish - I sell for $74.00 at present... Those are my Money makers so far... Will send more when I learn more - Submitted by Donna

If you buy the rare fish eggs regularly, magic fish #2 will hatch. I spent forever trying to hatch the right eggs from the cheap ones, & decided to buy a couple batches of the rare (level 2) eggs (purple ones). Lo & behold I discovered Magic Fish #2 just from hatching it.
Also, there are many other combinations then what is listed to create the magic fish. I used a grouper & the red comet to create the canary fire-arrow - Submitted by Krystal

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